48 Titles
jump to filter-options- report to the government of IndiaHaffkine, Waldemar Mordecai WolffCalcutta : Thacker, Spink & Co, 1895
- Accessible in the digital reading roomisolation of the micrococcus MelitensisLamb, George ; Pai Kesava, M.Calcutta : Off. of the Superintendent of Gov. Print., 1906
- Lamb, GeorgeCalcutta : Off. of the Superintendent of Gov. Print., 1903
- Lamb, George ; Forster, W. B. C.Calcutta : Off. of the Superintendent of Gov. Print., 1905
- Stevenson, William David HendersonCalcutta : Superintendent Gov. Print., 1910
- Accessible in the digital reading roomCalcutta : Off. of the Superintendent of Gov. Print., 1903
- Lamb, GeorgeCalcutta : Off. of the Superintendent of Gov. Print., 1905
- Lamb, George ; Hanna, WilliamCalcutta : Off. of the Superintendent of Gov. Print., 1903
- Lamb, GeorgeCalcutta : Off. of the Superintendent of Gov. Print., 1904
- Lamb, GeorgeCalcutta : Off. of the Superintendent of Gov. Print., 1903
- Lamb, GeorgeCalcutta : Off. of the Superintendent of Gov. Print., 1905
- the deterioration of this serum through keeping in IndiaLamb, George ; Hanna, WilliamCalcutta : Off. of the Superintendent of Gov. Print., 1902
- Liston, William Glen ; Williams, Thomas Samuel BeauchampCalcutta : Superint. Gov. Print, 1912
- Cragg, F. W.Calcutta : Superintendent Gov. Print., 1912
- Cragg, Francis WilliamCalcutta : Off. of the Superintendent of Gov. Print., 1912
- Bernstein, MoritzCassel : Fischer, 1900